The Traveler stands there, transfixed by what he is seeing. Soaking in the rich symbolism of this place. Right across the road is a barb wire fence. On the other side of the fence a river, the Aras River. On the other side of that river? The great nation of Iran, a.k.a. Persia. This river, the Traveler realizes, is what separates Asia and Europe. It is the boundary between Muslim Iran and Christian Armenia. And just a few decades ago it was the boundary of the the Soviet Empire and the rest of the world. Once again, the Traveler feels that urge to try to cross to the other side. To experience the country that many travelers have decribed as the most hospitable and welcoming country in the world, rich with thousands of years of history and culture. One of the world's first great empires and great civilizations. He has gotten just a taste of that warmth and hospitality, riding alongside Iranians on his trip to this border. They smiled broadly when he told them he was an Am...