Ch 34, Day 4: The City of Samsun

kms, Aug 22, 2012

the Traveler approaches Samsun, older fellow sitting in his
garden insists that he come over, and he gladly obliges. His wife
brings some tea and the man gives him some fruit from his tree as
they try to carry on a conversation--and actually do pretty well!
Most Turks, if they find someone doesn't speak their language, give
up on trying to communicate, but this fellow really tries. They
"talk" about family (his sons have gone seeking work
elsewhere), work... he has a body shop and shows the Traveler the
totaled cars that he's salvaging, gravely showing with his fingers
how many people died in each one...

reaches Samsun and is rewarded by a shady park, a cozy city center
and a decent cafeteria style restaurant where he can "look and
pick"--his favorite way of eating here in Turkey.

he heads up to the Black Sea shore, where there's an enormous
recently built park, with, again, fountains, an artificial
waterfall, statues out in the water and a giant hand writing with a
pen. Clearly Samsun has made some major effort to beautify its
shoreline, which would otherwise be an ugly port view. Some sort of
ceremony is going on with a small ship coming ashore and several
lines of soldiers standing at attention...


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